My Husband is 30!

My husband is 30 today! 30 yal! ⁣

Through his 20s he would talk about how he couldn’t wait to be 30. The first time i heard him say that, he was 22 and I was so confused! “Who in the world WANTS to be 30?!” I thought. ⁣

Over time I found that he was and is a powerful visionary and that extraordinary gift was the reason he looked forward to 30. Who wants to be 30? A man who overflows with foresight. A man who makes plans and asks God to order his steps towards them. A man who reaches his goals through obedience, diligence, and setting up shop in the garage for a month of all nighters to accomplish a task he’s set his mind towards. ⁣

I remember I thought he was totally and completely insane when he told me the things he would accomplish by 30. I would smile, nod but think, “no way!” In the beginning, i’ll admit I slowed down his progress with my disbelief. Then I had the privilege to witness and gain from him knocking every single goal out of the park, even with me dragging behind him like a seal on land. Now when he tells me his plans for the future, as WILD as they sound, i respond with, “what can i do to help!” because I’ve seen how he accomplishes everything he sets his mind to, through faith and obedience.⁣

How many of us need to learn to believe God’s foresight. Josh was going to get to his 30 year goal regardless of my belief or unbelief. In the same way, God will fulfill his ultimate purpose with or without you. Will you sit back and think “no way!” as God reveals his plans? Or will you exclaim, “what can I do to help!” and benefit from his incredible foresight which includes a perfect role for you in His Kingdom. ⁣

Happy Birthday babe! Thank you for including me in your vision of 30 years even before we met. Ready for 40! 😘⁣
@jfarris2 him in the comments and blow up his phone with happy birthdays!!
Proverbs 16:3 - “Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place.”⁣