Grace & Mercy


In my recent weight loss and its continuation toward my goal, it has been easy to get caught up in the numbers game and lose focus on the purpose I set my eye towards when I began. I’ve learned that there’s no purpose in only watching numbers drop if it’s not directly tied to honoring God with my body. When I lost sight of obedience to God as my 1st priority, vanity easily swallowed me up. Let me tell you, the motivation of sin is nowhere near as powerful as the motivation of purpose and obedience to God. ⁣

When I lost sight of the purpose in my weight loss, which was to be obedient to God in every area of my life, my motivation switched to vanity. But instead of seeing the numbers drop as they were before, they slowly crept upwards. At the same time my numbers were moving in the wrong direction, I was being dishonest about my weight with my family, who has graciously supported and financed my weight loss meal plan. After a couple weeks I was exhausted by dishonest. But, I felt like the truth would take away my meal plan and with it all hope for success. ⁣

But in obedience, I came clean and was met with grace and mercy. Grace, a gift I don’t deserve and mercy, compassion and forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. Not only was I met with grace and mercy, but because I was obedient by being honest and confessing, I was given even better tools to continue on seeking out obedience to God in every area of my life starting with my health. ⁣
Grace and mercy are available and accessible to all of us who ask for it. Moving in obedience clearly displays God’s goodness in giving us these two beautiful gifts that we do not deserve. Seek out an area in your life that is clouded by disobedience to his word. Do the hard thing of turning from moving in the wrong direction and course correct to obedience and truth where you’ll see his grace and mercy fully displayed in your life.⁣

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