The Loading Phase

While we were out yesterday I lost my Iphone and didn’t even realize it was missing until my apple watch stopped functioning properly. I knew my watch was designed in the image of my Iphone and was only able to work within its full capacity when they were in close proximity. I was frustrated and confused as to why my watch wasn’t working like I knew it should, until I realized I had abandoned the source.
Many of us are living lives that are not functioning to their full capacity. We may have even become so accustomed to living a life half full, we can’t comprehend what we’re truly missing. Just like my apple watch, we circle aimlessly in a loading phase, never truly gaining ground since the source is our only true connection.
Reconnect your soul to the Giver, who supplies life and more life. Quench your thirsty heart with the nearness it desires from the source. Being close to Him is the only way we can access the full purpose God created in the inner workings of each of us.
John 15:5 “When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can’t produce a thing.”
