"Loving Your Body" is Not Blindly Ignoring Your Health

The last time I posted about my health I got a couple of messages telling me to “love my body” and “to be more accepting of myself.” So let me make some things real clear. ⁣

Before I began this journey to health, I found a way to ignore the side effects of weight gain. I blamed exhaustion on my kids and lowered self esteem on my husband. Later I realized that I subconsciously made the decision to ignore the truth that is the word of God by glorifying the sin of gluttony in an effort to make it not *feel* like sin.⁣

I went through the motions feeling empty and dissatisfied, uncertain of the cause. So I made the life altering decision to truly ask God to renew my mind, and I meant it. I asked Him to open my eyes to see things like He sees them, so I could walk in and on purpose. Layer by layer he showed me myself. I was HORRIFIED and unendingly grateful. Specifically, he opened my eyes to the lies I fed myself to justify my weight gain.⁣

God gave us these bodies to treat as a temples. Even though he loves us unconditionally, we can sin our way out of our purpose. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, the enemy is a master at making sin look good in an effort to trick us out of the promises, purposes, and plans God intended for our lives. In the words of my grandfather, “If all you see is what you see you will not see all there is to be seen.” If all I chose to see was weight gain instead of a wake up call to refocus on the Father, I would never have seen overeating for what it truly was, a deception and distraction to keep me occupied and unfocused.⁣

My body has created 2 perfectly healthy human beings. I love it and accept it wholeheartedly. But, “loving your body” is not blindly ignoring your health. Loving our bodies, is caring for them like the temples they were created to be.⁣

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