Birth Story! Pt. 1

Birth Story Pt 1. ⁣⁣
A little while before I gave birth to Josie I had severe anxiety about the birth itself. In one of my past miscarriages I’d experienced the same anxiety that something would go terribly wrong so I knew the impending sense of doom was being allowed by God to draw me nearer to Him for an intended purpose. ⁣⁣
As God used anxiety to tap me on the shoulder, I scooted closer to Him to hear what He had to say. I was drawn back to a book I’d previously read called Supernatural Childbirth by Jacki Mize. In the book, Jackie takes women through incredible verses and truths about God’s intentions for child bearing and birth. I meditated on these verses day and night. I even had a CD I would play over and over that spoke these same truths and verses over myself and the baby. (Sorry⁣⁣
Anxiety led me to the truth of His word. God then drew me nearer to Him and reminded me to meditate on things that are noble, true, and right. Instead of anxiety taking over and destroying the joy of pregnancy, it served as a reminder to pray and access the promises God had in waiting for me to access. Childbirth this 3rd time around was an incredible and supernatural experience, because I was led to pray for just that. ⁣God used the crippling feeling of anxiety to draw me nearer to Him for my ultimate good. ⁣

Often, God allows us to be uncomfortable so that we can seek Him and access His promises for our lives. Do the hard work of looking past discomfort in your life and seek out its intended purpose. Once we’re able to look past our circumstances at the Father and trust Him even through discomfort, He shows up as our refuge and strength giving us exactly what we need not to just get through it but, to grow. ⁣

Psalm 62:7-8 “My help and glory are in God⁣
    —granite-strength and safe-harbor-God—⁣
So trust him absolutely, people; lay your lives on the line for him. God is a safe place to be.”

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