God Prepares a Place for Us!

Historically I’ve not a person who thinks very far into the future. I have a general direction of where I want to be, but I definitely wouldn’t categorize myself as a visionary. I’m more of a “what has to get done today” person. ⁣

Last year when I started writing, it was from an outpouring of what God was pouring in. I couldn’t keep what He was teaching me to myself. I often still can’t. I didn’t have a vision for where it could go, I just knew I couldn’t keep it to myself. So, I was obedient to God and I shared. ⁣

Josh is the polar opposite of me in more ways than one. He’s always 10 years ahead mentally and has a very detailed plan of how he will get to where he’s planned to be. At the same time as I was being obedient to God in the daily by writing what He was teaching me, Josh was preparing a place for me. He was busy having all of my best devos compiled, categorized and labeled with the vision of a book in mind. Whenever he mentioned a book, I couldn’t picture or fathom it. But, I continued to do what God had asked me to do in the daily. ⁣

A couple weeks ago a publisher reached out for me to write a book with them. Although I was completely shocked and in wonder, Josh calmly and knowingly said, “We’re already prepared for this, this is part of the plan, we’re ready.” He had gone ahead of me while I was being obedient to God and prepared a place for where he knew I would be, although i couldn’t see it. ⁣

We have a Father in heaven who just like my husband, can see much much further than we can. While we live in obedience here on earth, He‘s going before us and preparing a place in eternity that we can’t possibly fathom. What God has in store for those who believe in Him AND follow Him in obedience daily, is bound to leave us with jaws agape in amazement. What is God asking you to do TODAY in obedience?? Do it, then do it again and again while He goes before you with his impeccable vision to prepare a place in eternity that will leave you speechless. ⁣

John 14:2-3 “If that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me...”


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