The Daily Tug-o-war: Choosing Christ Over Sin


JT is me when I read Jesus' words, "If you love me, keep my commands." 💀The constant tug-o'-war between keeping God's commands and satisfying our own sinful desires, is TOUGH, I get it. But do we love Him, or don't we?

Keeping His commands to show our love requires us to deny ourselves, die to ourselves, and sacrifice our bodies amongst others. (Luke 9:23, Romans 12:1,John 12:24-26) Newsflash: denying, dying, and sacrificing aren't cute analogies. *que JT's face.*

When you choose to obey God's commandments instead of going your own way you've denied yourself, so that you may choose Him. When you've put to death recurring sin in your life, you'll understand that the death of sin in our hearts is often a excruciating process. When you choose modesty over sensuality or are cautious in what you feed your temple, you sacrifice your body to Christ. The way each of us will have to deny, die, and sacrifice ourselves to keep his commandments and show our love vary, but why would we not for Christ who did the same for us when we didn't deserve.

Biblical love is an action, not a feeling. According to John 14:15;23, obeying the Word is THE action to prove to we mean what we say when we proclaim our love. Keeping his commands says "love" more than we ever could with words. If you're lookin for me I'll be where the obedience resides. Comment 🥂 if you’ll meet me there!

John 14:23-24 "Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me."