All the Roles & All the Reasons

I’m a Christ follower, a wife, a motha, a daughter, a granddaughter, a niece, a sister, a friend, a role model, a business owner, a manager, a creative director, a photographer, a writer and a few other things to a few other people.

I've been living purposefully and I've learned that in order to be the best of who I am, to whom I need to be, I have to align myself with Christ, have faith AND works, submit to my husband even if I don't agree, prioritize my family, say no, step back, re access, rest, be honest, forgive, be gentle and meek, accept wisdom, make wise decisions, discern, be quick to listen and slow to speak.

Don't get me wrong I fail, I get tired, I give up, I get frustrated, I fuss at Josh, I don't always respond to the kids in love, I can be passive and reclusive, lazy and selfish. But, I don't stay in those spaces for long before the Holy Spirit convicts my heart and sets me down at the right path again. When I fail, I’m reminded how much I need Christ and when I succeed I’m reminded that nothing worth while can be accomplished without Him.

All of you women, who are so many things for so many people, attest to His glory in your wins and count it joy when you don’t, knowing it is all for His glory. For no other reason does who we are or what we do matter if we aren’t using the light of our abilities, talents, influence, charisma, beauty, relationships, intelligence, and much more to direct everyone in our reach back to Christ.