Ellie's First Swim

Ellie had her first swim! Okay, more like first "mid thigh dip." Actually, it was really more like... first swimsuit photo shoot! Either way, it was exciting. 

Josh and I had big plans to jump in the water and get totally submerged so that we could give Ellie a great first swim. But once we put our feet in the water, it was a little colder than what we expected, so we chickened out. It was a miracle we got in waist deep. The experience reminded me so much of my walk with God sometimes.

I'm guilty of making all of these magnificent plans of how I'm going to walk in faith and submerge myself in the Word of God, but then when it comes time to jump in, I can't seem commit. Has any one else chickened out on their plans to be "all in?" Well take it from me, it's better to jump in and commit.

Proverbs 16:3 - Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

Ellie's 1st Swim